Victory Among People: Lessons from Countering Insurgency and Stabilising Fragile States

Chief of the Defence Staff, British Armed Forces

Director, The Brenthurst Foundation
Victory Among People: Lessons from Countering Insurgency and Stabilising Fragile States, provides a comprehensive set of thematic and country case studies - from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe - on counter-insurgency and stabilisation operations. It is an invaluable guide for scholars as well as the donors, multilateral agencies and militaries on the front line of today's insurgencies and fragile states.
Published in association with the Brenthurst Foundation, Victory Among People features forewords by the former Commander of ISAF General Stanley McChrystal, President of Colombia Juan Manuel Santos, former President of Ghana John A Kufuor and Danish Minister for Development Co-operation Søren Pind, as well as an introduction by the co-editors, Chief of the Defence Staff General Sir David Richards and Dr Greg Mills, Director of the Brenthurst Foundation.